Fractional Chief Financial Officers

young female business professional who is considering fractional coo and cfo services from Optima Office

At Optima, we believe in the power of strategic financial leadership. Our experienced fractional Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) offer comprehensive oversight of your accounting team, eliminating the need for a full-time, in-house CFO and the associated high costs. With a blend of experience and dedication, our fractional CFOs are primed to enhance your business value.


Why Optima's Fractional CFO Services?

Our fractional CFOs not only focus on driving enterprise value but are also adept at minimizing risks. Their expertise extends to providing forward-thinking strategies and helping your company reach its goals. They ensure:

  • Effective management of cash flow and overhead expenses.
  • Establishment of credit policies for customers.
  • Negotiate favorable payment terms with key vendors.
  • Continuous evaluation and tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs) propelling your business forward.


Key Responsibilities & Services of Our Fractional CFOs:

  • Implementing and supervising internal controls.
  • Managing projects with significant financial implications.
  • Cultivating relationships with external financing sources.
  • Steering major strategic objectives.
  • Serving as a crucial advisor to company management.
  • Analyzing financial statements for actionable insights.


Fractional CFO Services FAQs:

Q: What role does a fractional CFO play in financial controls and risk management? 

A: Our fractional CFOs play a vital role in establishing and maintaining effective financial controls to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial information, mitigate risks, and prevent fraud. They also develop and monitor credit policies, negotiate payment terms with vendors, and establish processes for measuring and evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive the business forward.

Q: Can a fractional CFO assist with strategic planning and business growth?

A: Absolutely! Our Fractional CFOs can contribute to strategic planning, financial forecasting, capital allocation decisions, mergers and acquisitions, and evaluating investment opportunities. They bring a financial perspective to the decision-making process, ensuring that the company's financial resources are utilized effectively to achieve its objectives.

Q: How can Optima's fractional CFO services benefit my business?

A: Partnering with Optima offers access to seasoned professionals adept at providing strategic financial advice, instituting financial controls, enhancing cash flow, fostering vendor ties, and deciphering financial statements. With our fractional CFO or COO services, you can enhance your financial decision-making, improve risk management, and drive your company's growth while optimizing costs.

Q: How can I get more details about Optima's fractional CFO offerings? 

A: Contact our team today! We will be happy to provide more information, answer your questions, and discuss your specific requirements. Our goal is to help you maximize your financial potential and achieve your business objectives with the expertise of our exceptional CFOs.

Fractional COO Services


Why Optima's Fractional COO Services?

CEOs of companies often feel they are unable to accomplish everything that needs to be done. This may include important tasks, functions, and relationships that aren’t being managed due to a lack of bandwidth. If you feel overwhelmed by trying to do it all, it’s time for you to consider hiring a part-time or interim chief operating officer.

Fractional COO Services support small to mid-market businesses by assisting in:

  • Gaining clarity: Assess and refine existing operations and processes to meet business objectives
  • Resolving issues: Locate inefficiencies and develop and implement process improvements to enhance productivity
  • Increasing profitability: Identify growth opportunities and execute cost-savings strategies
  • Resuming growth: Provide ongoing guidance to measure progress and ensure sustained growth


Your role as CEO is as the architect responsible for creating and executing the company vision. Hiring one of our fractional chief operating officers as the facilitator of this vision allows you to stay focused on things that matter the most while the COO makes sure day-to-day tasks get completed.

If you need someone to execute ideas, strengthen your leadership team, and take things off your plate…it’s time to consider fractional COO services.

Our Reach

Optima proudly serves California, with a primary focus on San Diego, Orange County, and San Francisco. However, our reach extends beyond the Golden State, offering Fractional CFO services, as well as fractional COO services to clients all over the US and internationally.